This app used to be great and I really liked it and Ive been playing Supercard since December 2014 but now the content has grown stale and many other people agree. So please make Supercard fun and exciting again.
This app used to be great and I really liked it and Ive been playing Supercard since December 2014 but now the content has grown stale and many other people agree. So please make Supercard fun and exciting again.
I got this game only yesterday, but Im doing well to start off my first day. However, I have a few suggestions on what to add in Supercard. 1. Fusion Chamber: I aw this in another comment, and it sounds like a good idea, but it should be added back. 2. Collecting Old Cards: Not being in Season 1, I never got to experience the Season 1 cards, and if you change it so that you can get older cards, there would be a bigger chance to get something new. 3. New Gamemodes: With only 4 Gamemodes, two being events, I think a bigger variety should be added.
I used to play this game all the time, I delete it for 2 days, and now I cant get my progress back, I cant even play anymore! I use my Game Center but there is no option for it, only the option for Facebook, something I do not own. Fix this.
Its an awesome game to play but can you add a super or ultra rare Sin Cara
I hope you do this When doing a match there is certain times it does a tag match when you connect the correct card they get a boost but I think if the connection is an actual team like team hell no or the shield they get a extra boost I hope you use my idea
I love it and I got REALLY far but you should add a Diva survivor pack.
Ok dont get me wrong, I love this game; I got it back in the first week of Season 1 but anyway. There are 2 Major things that should be added, A free way to earn Credits and bring back Fusion Chamber. I remember how awesome the Fusion Chamber was in season 1; for those of you that never played season 1, Fusion Chamber was a free way to get a random card of a certain tier buy putting in certain tiers of unwanted cards (Basically like Trading). And on the other hand if they added a free way to earn credits it would make the game more fun and rewarding. Lets say you earn 10 Credits for winning a game, you can then save up those credits to purchase a pack in the store and earn some cards.
Every single time I play a tag team match, I always get incompatible cards, and the opponent always gets compatible cards. Im always at a disadvantage. I lose matches because of this. Its like no matter what I say, these stupid idiots never listen to me.
I love this game I had since it first came out but you really should bring back the old fusion chamber for season 2
Can you make it easier to get rare cards cuz Im very tired of getting commons and uncommon all the friggin time. Plz and thx. Oh and can u make the card packs cheaper? :)
Addictive. But also fustrating
THERE NEEDS TO BE MORE BALANCE IN WHO YOU CHOOSE TO FIGHT ESPECIALLY IN ROAD IN TO GLORY. But other than that the game is great I love it but like many other people said there needs to be another way to get credits than just buying them.
Great game but needs the hulkster he made Wwe what it is today need to bring him back and forget what the wwe says. Hulk will always live in his hulksters.
I think personally we should be able to trade cards to each other. I think its a good idea so then you only not help your friend but also help others. But other than that keep it up.
I love this game so much :)
This game annoys me because I do not have a Facebook account because I dont want one and it wont let me play the game without logging in to Facebook so f this game
The previous review written is quite on the point. I would try to avoid this since at the end you will be piss off at this game. 1. Potentially very fun has good team game and couple days down time each week so you dont always have to grind. 2. Hard to move up in tier. Took forever to get to legend and worst for survivor 3. Lots (100,000 active) of players so very competitive game 4. You lose a lot of battles. The one thing that pisses me off the most is you WILL get outproc at least 2-1 and the "random" catagory tends to lean toward their strength.
It would be 5 stars easily if I didnt have connection problems every other day which screw up my login rewards so I can never actually get good cards.
This game is really awesome but can you add so people can get season one card again and make so you can get harder to get cards like ultra rare a little easier to get like I have only got 2 card and I am levels 3 ultra rare. Rather than that is game is really awesome
2K and all people looking to get this game, please read. Ive played this game for about a whole 2 years and I love it. I love the idea, the gameplay, and the team gameplay etc, so instead of saying whats wrong with this game, Ill say what updates would make everyone really happy and like the game even more. 1. I think that you should win 15 tokens when you win an exhibition match, and 5 when you lose, since you are unable to get any tokens unless you pay (a lot) 2. I think that you should be able to trade with saved players that you consider friends, that means that you could get a legendary for a combinable epic,etc 3. It think that once you reach ultra rare in exhibition etc. the probability of getting uncommons go up, and rares and up dont reset the board, but super rares and up. Then, once you reach legendary, probability or super rares goes up, and ultra rares and up resets board. This adds diversity and doesnt annoy good players. 4. New moves! After a while, you tend to see the same moves over and over and over again. Please spice it up, with some new moves. 5. Three way or four way battles from two competitors all the way to four 6. King of the ring play time must be shortened, or amount of energies must go up 7. New draft event around special wwe times (wrestlemania, summerslam, basically all pay per views) This event lets everyone get points and if they do well, they get a random card based on their points, not others 8. Managers! Players can have managers boost them match to match. There would also be one manager for each team, etc THAT IS IT! Sorry for the long review but these would really make super card more fun. Thanks