WWE SuperCard - Wrestling Game App Reviews

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WWE 2k15 Supercard

Hammer Game other is a no Hand gemer in Game

Best Game Ever

is Awesome

LOOVE the game but...

When ever I try to battle it says you have reached the card limit and I dont hack and I really love the game but that is the only problem my username is Hunter89 when u fix it can I get the ultra rare edge thank u I am super rare++ thank u


Someone I knew had this game and it looked fun but I cant play it because you need a Facebook account


why did I even download this?


It Doesnt Say How To Do Anything 1 out of 1000


If u know what u are doing it is super fun and if u have friends on your team it is amazing


This game is a blast but can you lower down the prices besides that this game is awesomely awesome


I think that you should add trades because that will make the game more interesting like people will be playing more to offer and you can trade as much as you want. Any tier of card for the card. to make sure tge person is really sure they wanna do it they have to type a set of numbers to accept the trade for then they dont get mad. That what i think should be added to the game.Also i love the game and for daily rewards if they login for the whole month they should get tokens for being loyal and logging in everyday of the month. Keep up the good work

Cant download

Ive had this game before and I want to play it again but it wont let me download it and I have enough storage, I have 553mb but it still wont download!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love this game but

This game is awesome just dont spend any money because if you have a network error the support team will say sorry we cant do anything about it and then they will stop sending you a response they wont give you the event card and they wont give your money back or credit or a different card so if theres any problem in the event where you spent money youre just out of luck and its pretty sad because this game is pretty fun I played it for a year or two.

Where is GameCenter

It is terrible I dont have Facebook how do I play because I cant login with GameCenter

Waste of time

This game is increasingly awful. Unless you plan to spend money, youre wasting your time. The drop rate is abysmal, at best. Youll never have a chance to get cards that are anywhere near competitive. The lack of any option to trade cards is also ludicrous, as most games have said option.

Good game but glitch

There is a glitch in team peoples champion that is not letting play event a times.

I love this game but...

This game is so good but in the fusion chamber I think for the core ingredient it could be any card not just a fusion card because its hard enough to get enough points

Team peoples champion challenge and solo ring domination

The game is a very good game but the team peoples champion is very difficult to get legendary cards and up. In the solo ring domination its hard to get the over 30 shards on 1 card in 3 days.

Love the game

This game is one of the best.But I think it should have a trading center.As I said the best game ever.This one requirement add a trading center will be the best thing ever. Just do what you do BEST make things better than the best.


What if you dont have Facebook there used to be a Game Center platform but frickin have to delete that play form PLEASE FIX

I love this thing so much

I love this thing so much

This is my favorite game but....

In king of the ring it takes way toooo long to finished it really 2 days

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